Facebook Ads

Managed Facebook advertising campaigns for a Shopify store. The primary goal was to increase traffic to the store and boost sales by leveraging the extensive reach and targeting capabilities of Facebook Ads. The project involved creating, managing, and optimizing ad campaigns to ensure maximum return on investment (ROI) for the client.



  • Ad Campaign Strategy:

    Developed a comprehensive advertising strategy based on market research and competitor analysis.

  • Audience Targeting:

    Utilized Facebook's advanced targeting options to reach potential customers based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and custom audiences.

  • Ad Creation:

    Designed eye-catching ad creatives, including images, videos, and compelling copy tailored to the target audience.

  • A/B Testing:

    Conducted A/B testing for different ad variations to identify the most effective creatives and messaging.

  • Budget Management:

    Managed the ad budget efficiently to maximize ad spend and minimize costs.

  • Performance Tracking:

    Monitored ad performance using Facebook Ads Manager and Google Analytics to track key metrics such as CTR, CPC, CPA, and ROI

  • Optimization:

    Continuously optimized ad campaigns by adjusting targeting, creatives, and bidding strategies based on performance data.

  • Reporting:

    Provided regular reports to the client, highlighting campaign performance, insights, and recommendations for future campaigns.


• Implemented a detailed audience analysis to identify the most relevant customer segments. Used Facebook’s Lookalike Audiences to expand reach to similar users based on existing customer data.

• Regularly refreshed ad creatives and copy to keep the content engaging and prevent audience fatigue. Introduced new ad formats such as carousel and video ads to maintain user interest. • Prioritized ad spends on high-performing campaigns and paused underperforming ones. Used manual bidding strategies to control costs and ensure efficient use of the budget.

• Set up Facebook Pixel to track conversions accurately and attributed sales directly to the ads. Used advanced tracking and analytics tools to measure the effectiveness of each campaign and make data-driven decisions.

• Conducted thorough competitor analysis to identify gaps and opportunities. Created unique value propositions and compelling offers to stand out from competitors.